Here’s how to keep your little one safe from cold weather

Here’s how to keep your little one safe from cold weather
Keeping a sleep diary might help you to recognize you baby’s regular sleeping pattern and waking patterns. © Shutterstock

Newborns are more susceptible to infections in winter. You can keep your little one warm and safe by taking preventive measures. Read on to learn about how to protect your baby from cold weather.

Written by Longjam Dineshwori |Updated : December 23, 2019 11:18 AM IST

Winter could be more chilling for new moms, with the new responsibility to protect their little one from the cold weather. Fresh air is good the health for both the new mom and the baby, but not when the temperature near the freezing point.

Newborns may not be able to regulate their core temperature to adjust to the cold weather. Health experts also say that infants lose heat faster than adults and have less ability to cope with cold weather.

To keep your baby warm and safe from seasonal illnesses, follow these tips

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Dress Your Baby Comfortably

First you can cover your baby with the layer of leggings and a bodysuit, made of cotton. Then put another layer of pants and a warm shirt. The top layer can have a jacket, hat, mittens and warm booties to keep the tiny hands and feet warm.

Right indoor temperature

Too cold is bad, but too much indoor heat can also be a problem for your little one. Lack of moisture in the air can dry your baby's delicate skin. Doctors advise keep your indoor temperature between 68 F and 72 F. Use a humidifier if you live in colder regions. Use of heating systems or portable heaters could rob the room of water vapour, making the air dry. A humidifier in the room may help maintain the moisture levels.

Don't bath your baby daily

It is not necessary to wash your babies daily in winter. Water can dry out skin. Use warm water while washing your baby and don't soak too long. If you are using a bath thermometer, the ideal temperature is considered to be about 38 degrees C. You can mild liquid baby cleanser, or just wash him/her in plain water.

The baby's time in the tub should be less than 10 mins for a newborn. Apply a good moisturizer after every wash and reapply as many times daily as you like.

Swaddle her with warm blanket

To keep your baby warm at night, swaddle her with a warm blanket. You can also hold her near you to keep her warm. Stop swaddling her once your baby is two months or older, that is when she starts rolling. She may find it hard to breathe if she gets stuck while rolling. Use a blanket to cover her instead.

Breastfeed to boost your baby's immunity

Breastfeeding for six months is a must. This will help boost your baby's immunity and protect from infections. When the immune system is strong, the baby will also recover more quickly from illnesses.

Wash your hands frequently

Make sure to wash your hands with soap before holding your baby. This will help prevent the spread of cold and flu germs. Also wash your hands with soap before and after changing your baby's nappy.

Keep your baby away from sick people

Most winter diseases are spread through coughs, sneezes and direct contact. So, keep your baby away from sick people and do not take you baby to crowded places. Also don't take your baby near to areas where people are smoking.

Don't miss vaccination date

Vaccinations are important to protect your baby from serious diseases. If you miss the date, get the next date confirmed from your doctor and go for it without fail. Your baby will be more susceptible to infections in winter.